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Saturday, June 2, 2012

Nifty : Inversion of WAVES over 2 years

Have you notice a small '*' mark on the dotted line 5280 in the Nifty Chart of two years? What is the significance of this small '*' Mark ? Believe it or not, I am telling you that some 'driver' has been generating waves which are being charted from the beginnig to '*' mark ; suddenly after two GAPS Down one after another , waves are PENDULUM like reverting so to say after inverting anti-clock wise by 180 degree.

On 5th August 2011, there was Gap down of 127.45 in NIFTY and on the next working day the 8th August, there was a Gap down of 127.40 further. '*' is the middle point of two candles in the chart. Image from the chart May 2010 to 05/08/11 was inverted 180 degree( anti-clockwise) and placed below the actual chart. Resultant collage are reproduced herein below:- 
Upper portion is the actual chart with 8 packets of wave (marked 1 to 8) followed by  (after '*' mark) 8 packets of wave (marked 8 to 1) ; and the lower portion is  the inversion (anti-clockwise by 180 degree) of Chart (with outline of Nifty movements in Red) with these  8 packets of wave (marked 8 to 1). Resemblance from packet to packet is to be seen  and the most important thing to keep in mind is movements over 8 months are practically squezed in almost 5 months both fibonacci numbers.

Upper portion is the actual chart with 3 packets of wave (marked A,B & C) ; and the lower portion is the inversion (anti-clockwise by 180 degree) of Chart (with outline of Nifty movements ). Portion of wave (marked A, B & C )  appears to have resemblance and completed.
 However, remaining portion of the wave (as marked hereinabove) is IMHO yet to 'Play out'  .

Image of "Inverted" chart (in red) superimposed on Nifty chart.
SIMILARITY within 'oval' visible & red chart beyond LHS oval is YET TO PLAY OUT

1 comment:

  1. Kaprekar Number of 5292 is the centre of gravity ; 5280 in the chart
